Dr. William Samoei Ruto Officially Sworn In As The Fifth President Of The Republic Of Kenya

President elect William Samoei Ruto was today on Tuesday 13th September, 2022 officially confirmed as the fifth President of the republic of Kenya at the Kasarani Stadium in Nairobi County.

In the presence of the public, before the Chief Justice Martha Koome and alongside the Chief registrar of the Judiciary Anne Hamadi, Ruto took the oath of allegiance and the oath of affirmation for the execution of the functions of office while swearing to ‘protect and uphold the sovereignty, integrity and dignity of the people of Kenya.’

Ruto repeated this statement after Anne,

“I William Samoei Ruto, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the republic of Kenya; that I will obey, preserve, protect and defend this constitution of Kenya as by law established and all other laws of the republic, and that I will protect and uphold the sovereignty, integrity and dignity of the people of Kenya.”

Deputy President elect Rigathi Gachagua was also confirmed in the same event and took the two oaths. In the oath of the affirmation for the execution of the office of Deputy President, Gachagua vow to ‘faithfully and truly give counsel and advice’ to his boss the President of the republic of Kenya, as he repeated the following after the Chief registrar of the Judiciary.

“I Rigathi Gachagua, do swear, that I will always truly and diligently serve the people and the republic of Kenya in the office of the Deputy President, that I will diligently discharge my duties and perform my functions in the said office to the best of my judgement, that I will at all times when so required faithfully and truly give my counsel and advice to the President of the republic of Kenya, that I will do justice to all without fear, favour, affection or ill will, that I will not directly or indirectly reveal such matters as shall come to my knowledge in the discharge of my duties and committed to my secrecy. So help me God.”

Thereafter the Judiciary continued with the swearing-in process after which President Kenyatta handled over the instruments of power to Dr Ruto, who received the highest award in the country – Chief of the Order of the Golden Heart to become the Chief-In-Commander of The Defence Forces. As this happened, the Kenya Navy fired a 21-gun salute in honor of the new Head of State. His Standard was then hoisted as that of President Kenyatta is lowered.


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