Singer Muigai Wa Njoroge Dispels Claims of Murang’a Man Being His Biological father

A young upcoming gospel artist identifying himself as Muigai Junior, has been claiming that popular Kikuyu Gospel artist Muigai Wa Njoroge is his biological father.

The young man who is officially called Ben Gitahi, has also been claiming that he had been completely abandoned by Muigai after siring him. Something that ‘Tiga No Haria’ hitmaker rubbished not to associate with.

The information having hit the airwaves, it’s more indescribable the speed at which the gossip travelled to reach out to Muigai Wa Njoroge’s ears. It cost him his time and resources to look for the mother of the claiming son, so as to query if they know each other or happened to keep a bed busy together.

Upon finding the boy’s mother who said she was shocked and that the family was going through embarrassment because of her son, singer Njoroge send fierce warning to the boy in a form of a piece of advice asking him to cease maligning that he fathered him.

It was at this moment that it got revealed that Muigai Junior is really Ben Gitahi, and the man who was sleepless during his manufacturing is called Kiruki.

However, some moments of shock came upon the meeting, leaving in attendance holding their heads with mouth widely opened. Singer Muigai wa Njoroge found out that the mother to Muigai Junior was exact copy of the Kikuyu singer’s sister.

Following a successful meeting, it is then established that the boy loves referring to Muigai Wa Njoroge as his father due to the strong resemblance between the two. Not only in the physical appearance but even in the manner in which they sing, something that makes the boy genuinely believe that Kenya is small village to go for a sleep over, be married at night and divorced at the crack of dawns hence everything is possible in this beautiful nation.

But anyway, who knows the father of the child except for the mother? In this case, Mr Kiruki is responsible.


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