African ICT Ministers To Attend Connected Africa Summit 2024 In Nairobi

ICT and Communication Ministers from 6 African nations and 15 ambassadors have confirmed their attendance at the Connected Africa Summit 2024.

ICT Ministers representing Sierra Leone, Zambia, Namibia, Somalia, Burundi, and Djibouti have confirmed attendance for the event happening from the 21st to the 25th of April 2024 at Uhuru Gardens in Nairobi. The event will also have representation from fifteen ambassadors representing African, American, European, Asian and the Middle East.

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The ministers are Hon. Salima Monorma Bah (Sierra Leone), H.E. Léocadie Ndacayisaba (Burundi), Hon. Felix Mutati (Zambia), Hon. Mudane Jaamac Xasan Khaliif (Somalia), Hon. Emma Theofelus (Namibia) and Hon. Mr. Radwan Abdillahi Bahdon (Djibouti) with more African ministers also expected to attend the event.

Connected Africa Summit 2024 is an ICT thought leadership function that brings together over 1,000 regional and global ICT industry thought leaders, key policymakers, high-profile Industry champions and executives, financiers and ICT innovators, for a series of high-level discussions geared towards nurturing innovative ideas, investments and partnerships that spur the realization of Africa’s development agenda leveraging on technology.

Ambassadors from leading technology and investment markets, including the United States of America Ambassador to Kenya, Margaret “Meg” Whitman, and United Kingdom’s Neil Wigan OBE, are also set to attend the event.

Global and African Ambassadors from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Costa Rica, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Malawi, Federal Republic of Somalia, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Senegal, Burundi, South Africa, South Sudan, Turkey and Zimbabwe have also confirmed their attendance.

Connected Africa Summit 2024 will focus on Africa’s ICT priorities guided by the African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063, bringing together African Heads of State, First Ladies, African ICT ministers, policymakers, Global ICT firms, Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Innovators to bridge the digital divide while identifying new investment opportunities.

The summit nurtures innovative ideas and partnerships that leverage technology to advance Africa’s development agenda. The Summit is an opportunity for Africa to chart its path towards the development of its digital economy.

Connected Africa Summit 2024 will act as a platform where African leaders can position the African tech agenda in readiness for the UN Summit of the Future to be held in September 2024 and determine their role in green technology and governance of generative AI for African realities.


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