“Life Begins At 40,” Eric Omondi Counts Another Year Under The Sun

Celebrity comedian-turned-activist Eric Omondi is marking a happy and healthful milestone as he takes stock of his life since turning 40. The comedian also seized the chance to thank and honor fellow Kenyans for their unwavering support.

Through his social media handles, Omondi jokingly insinuated that he is an old man considering that he is now 42 years old. He stated that he began to experience the spice of life at the age of 40, marking the beginning of his life.

The self proclaimed president of comedy Africa expressed his gratitude to God for the far He has brought him. Additionally, he acknowledged his fans’ support in his philanthropic acts. The activist proclaimed blessings upon his followers for their tireless efforts.

“I woke up feeling all WISE…Kumbe nikuzeeka😂😂😂😂. It is true that life Begins at 40 because it’s only at 40 that I started Living. This is my second year ” alive” No wonder I feel soo young. I THANK GOD for life, I thank God for every OPPORTUNITY to serve and LIFT his PEOPLE. I thank God for Everyone and Everything in my Life. I THANK GOD. THANK YOU guys for all the Support and LOVE. I don’t take anything for Granted. God Bless you for me as I CELEBRATE my BIRTHDAY Today,” the comedian wrote on Facebook.

Credits: Eric Omondi’s Facebook.

Omondi has taken the lead in providing aid to impoverished Kenyans and their communities as a whole. Leading the Sisi Kwa Sisi initiative, the comedian has successfully led multiple projects that have contributed to his legacy-building. These include paying the medical bills of numerous Kenyans as well as building the Baby Kemunto Bridge.

Merry birthday, Eric Omondi.


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