NACADA: Alcohol is The Most Abused Drug in Kenya With Over 3Million of Population Affected

According to latest report released by National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), Alcohol is the most abused drug in Kenya among other drugs and substances being abused.

It is followed closely by Tobacco and Miraa (Khat) abuse.
In terms of figures, the study revealed that 3,199,119 of the population in the country is affected in one way or the other from poor consumption of Alcohol.

2,305,929 of the population are abusers of Tobacco while Khat stands the figure at 964,737.
On the other hand, consumption of Bhang, according to the said report, affects 518,807 people while prescription drugs affect 60,407 people countrywide.

In terms of regional rankings in respect with the type of drug and substances being abused within those areas, Nairobi is the leading county for Bhang Consumption While Western Kenya Leads in chang’aa as well as traditional and illegal brews consumption.

This NACADA report on illegal brews therefore translate that western, Nyanza and Rift valley are the regions highly consuming Chang’aa at 11.4%, 6.3% and 3.6% respectively.

Nairobi County reappears in the list as the leading region in the consumption of legally-made alcohol followed by central region which on the other side, leads in terms of consumption of potable spirits.


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