Police Kill Two Colleagues, Injure Two Others And Kills Himself.

An cop working at Moyale Police Station, Marsabit County murdered two of his coworkers and injured others before taking his own life.

According to police records, the event happened on Sunday, October 23, at 6 am.

A police report filed this morning claims that the deceased grabbed one of his coworkers before striking him with a stone on the head.

According to police, the man “selected a large stone and suddenly struck PC Odero on the forehead, causing him to fall to the ground, injuring him, and has since been brought to hospital in a fair condition.”

The aforementioned officer then proceeded to the armory, where the overseeing officer was handing out weapons to other cops reporting for duty.

The officer in command and a policeman present at the armory were both fatally shot by him.

Police claim that he also shot PC Abass Mohammed, striking him in the left shoulder.

He quickly returned to his home, locked it from inside, and then shot himself in the chin.

The injured cop was taken by ambulance in critical condition to Alhilal Hospital.

The bodies were delivered to the mortuary at Moyale Sub-County Hospital.


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