Distinct Face Shapes And Their Characteristics

We all have different face shapes. Your face shape can reveal your personality and approach to life. Some types of face-shape include round, rectangular, triangular, square, oval, heart, diamond among others. However, some people have no specific face shape, that is, they may have a mixture of an oval and diamond shaped face at the same time.

Below are different face shapes and their personality:

Square face.

People with this face shape have a broad forehead, wide hairline and jaw line. These people are perceived to be good in business and they make good CEOs. Most men with this face type tend to be aggressive and dominant. Most have stamina which may make them suitable for wrestling ring. They take huge projects due to their stamina.

Round face.

They have a wide hairline and fullness below their cheekbones. People with round face always look innocent. They are always kind and put the interest of others first. They tend to forget their needs by over-giving. However, they can make your night a nightmare because of over-snoring.

Diamond-shaped face.

They have a wider middle and a pointed forehead and chin. They are good neighbors, dependable and upright. They love to be in control and give a quality work output. These people are also precise in their words and good communicators. They are less likely to be angry.

Oval-shaped face.

They have a longer than a wider face, narrower jaw than cheekbones. They are considered to be extroverts and also very friendly. They are best in seeing the bigger picture. These people make you to feel free and welcome when you are around them.

Rectangular face.

They have high cheekbones, wide forehead and prominent jaws. They are perceived as strong, powerful and successful leaders. They value logic and also good thinkers although sometimes they tend to overthink. In addition,they are good planners although they talk less.

Heart-shaped face.

They have a wider forehead and a narrower chin. They can be extroverts or introverts. These people have inner power rather than stamina. They tend to be very creative and loving. Most of them are beautiful.

Pear/triangle-shaped face.

This face shape is narrower at the forehead and wide at the jaw. They are perceived to be people who always want to be in control and take power. They are often successful, creative, sensitive, determined and fiery. However, people with inverted triangle face are perceived to be evil. In men, the wider the face, the more aggressive they may be.


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