Simba Arati Pays Baby Sagini’s Medical Bills And Condemns The Assault

Baby Junior Sagini’s attack was described as heinous and vile by Kisii Governor Simba Arati. The three-year-eyeballs old’s were gouged out by unidentified criminals on Thursday night in Ikuruma, Marani.

On Sunday morning, Arati paid a visit to the infant at Kisii Eye Specialist Hospital and offered to pay the Sh100,000 medical bill out of his own pocket. Sagini was scheduled to be released on the doctor’s recommendation. The kid was responding well to therapy, according to Dan Kiage, director of Kisii Eye Hospital, and was prepared for discharge.

He commented, “It’s sad he won’t see.

When Sagini broke away from the group of kids, his eyes were gouged out, and he was discovered screaming in agony. Sagini and his sister are going to be moved to a safe house, according to Arati. It is unjust.

“It is regrettable that a boy so young may experience such brutality. It draws attention to the growing mental health issues that society is facing, which should be examined more thoroughly “added Arati.

In order to prevent such tragedies, Arati requested during the visit that security agencies and village government officials monitor families that experience marital difficulties and recommend them for counseling.

He volunteered to establish a rehabilitation facility to handle such patients.

The governor promised to create a supplemental budget to make sure this happens.


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