Thee Pluto Responds Hard to a Fan Who Said Felicity only Loves Him Because of His Money

Loyalty Test Show host famously known as Thee Pluto has silenced a fan who advised him that his wife Felicity does not love him at all.

The man, a Twitter user by the account @patoranks_official took a bold step to pointing fingers at Thee Pluto’s peaceful matrimony saying Felicity only loves her husband because of what he has materially.

The fan wrote, “Pluto, huonagi Felicity hakupendi…huoni unakuanga simp… Felicity Ako apo juu star yako imeanza kushine.”

Deep into what might be called a piece of advice, @patoranks_official dragged into the story Pluto’s ex-girlfriend by the name Nasha Travis.

According to him, Pluto should unmask his eyes so he can see how much unconditional love Travis offered to the famous YouTuber.

Finally, he asked Thee Pluto to never regret it one day that no one removed the scale off his eyes so he could see.

Nasha Travis ndio alikuwa anakupenda unconditionally…never say i did not warn you.” He added.

Thee Pluto, while responding to the fan, went head-on not to let the said fan take control over his personal life.

He asked the man to freely pack his pieces of relationship advices to his granny.

He wrote, “Enda pea nyanyako relationship advice.”

Without any doubt, even the blind would see that Thee Pluto wasn’t excited with the step his fan made.

If you were Thee Pluto, what would be your response to this?


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