Jimal Rohosafi Undergoes A Major Surgical Procedure

Businessman and socialite Amber Ray’s ex-husband Jimal Rohosafi has undergone a second surgical transformation worth Sh.1million.

Through his Instagram, Jimal announced his second hair transplant which was done by a prominent doctor in Turkey. The business guru shared a series of snaps and videos which showcased the procedure and the doctors involved in the whole process. He showered the transplant doctor with a lot of praises as he noted that the healthcare provider was set to visit Africa soon.

“Best Dr. in the world ranked for hair transplant… Soon he will be in Kenya and Africa. Anasema nimtafutie mtu Kenya nifanye connection ama?” the businessman captioned.

Credits:Jimal Rohosafi’s Instagram.

Jimal revealed that the procedure was initially scheduled for earlier dates but he opted to postpone it after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, he noted that the hair transplant procedure was the final one.

In one of the posts, Jimal elaborated everything about hair transplant to his puzzled fans as a section of them wondered what the procedure entails. He explained that hair transplant is a procedure which involves moving hair from one part of the head to another which has less hair compared to the donor part. However, he indicated that the process is not as painful as people thought.

Credits:Jimal’s Instagram.

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