Attack on Kenyan Communication Mast Raises Al-Shabaab Terror Threat

A tragic incident occurred near the Kenya-Somalia border when a communication mast in Ogaralle Town was attacked by a gang on the morning of June 3. The mast, located at Ogaralle primary school, was being guarded by a member of the National Police Reserve (NPR). When the gang launched their attack, the NPR member responded, resulting in a shootout. Unfortunately, during the exchange of gunfire, the NPR guard was shot and killed. The attackers quickly fled into a nearby bush without causing any damage to the targeted mast.

The situation in the area remains tense as there are concerns that the terrorists may return to carry out their intended mission. Officials have reported an increase in the presence of al-Shabaab militants in the region, raising fears of an impending major attack. Disturbingly, it has been revealed that the gang responsible for the recent mast attack also stole two rifles from police officers who had been killed in a previous attack near the Kenya-Somalia border in Mandera. In that incident, which occurred on the Elele-Takaba road, two police officers were killed when the militants fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a Landcruiser pickup carrying elite officers. Five other officers sustained injuries before the attackers managed to escape.

The stolen rifles, each loaded with over 30 bullets, were discovered missing after the injured officers were evacuated. Mandera County Commissioner Amos Mariba stated that the security officers had been patrolling the area based on intelligence reports of al-Shabaab sightings when they came under attack. Following the incident, both the deceased officers and the injured ones were transported to Nairobi for further medical attention.

The heightened presence of al-Shabaab militants in Mandera is believed to be linked to the recent heavy rains. The local authorities are now faced with the urgent task of addressing the escalating threat posed by these terrorists, who continue to carry out attacks and display a brazen disregard for human life.


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