“Don’t Die A Faithful Wife With An Empty Life,” Akothee Offers Advice To Women In Toxic Relationships

Flamboyant singer Akothee has made a bold step in giving women a piece of relationship advice as she continues with her honeymoon vacation in France.

In her Facebook page, the no nonsense mother of five advised women to never give their men an opportunity to disrespect them. According to her, before engaging deeper into the affair, women should issue their men with the dos and don’ts of the relationship. She further noted that most women get demolished by their relationships which in the long last are never worth investing into.

“Never give a man platform to disrespect you . Put things straight from the beginning let him know the dos and dont’s. Most women are broken and damaged by so called relationships that are not worth their investments,” Akothee partly wrote.

In Madam Boss’ view, living with a man for years and sacrificing ones time in exchange for their change should never hold a woman down. Instead, let go off the relationship and move on since human beings are naturally selfish. She asked women to step up for themselves before they die as faithful wives with an “empty life”.

“Yes ,you might have lived together for years ,but Madam ,Madam , if the years you have sacrificed thinking he could change doesn’t add UpTo him too. Step up ,own your life and move on. Human beings can be very selfish. Don’t die a faithful wife with an empty life,” Mrs Schweitzer continued.

The Akothee Safaris founder concluded by telling women to secure jobs and gain financial independence since most women get desperate for toxic relationships because of over-reliance on men’s provision.

“But first get ready to work your Ass out and gain financial independence. Most women have not Mastered The art of ACCESS ,CONTROL & OWNERSHIP,” the artist stated.

Courtesy of Akothee’s Facebook page.

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