“It Is No Surprise To Us”- ODM Responds After Part Of Its MPs Pledged To Support Ruto

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has fired back to news that part of its Members of Parliaments (MPs) have decided to work with the sitting government,saying that it has not come as a surprise to them.

The ODM Members of Parliament including Felix Jalang’o among seven others met the President at State house today,Tuesday, February 7,2023.

Through a statement by the party’s communications director, Philip Etale ,they had seen it coming as they have been doing close monitoring of the activities of the MPs.

“The visit to State House this morning by a section of ODM members of parliament has not come as a surprise to the party and the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Movement. The party has been monitoring closely the behind-the-scenes activities involving some of them and today was just the climax,” the statement read in part.

The statement continued to accuse the evacuating leaders of selfishness saying that they only cared about their stomachs and therefore Kenyans should not care about them.

“We call on Kenyans to ignore such selfish leaders who only care about their stomachs and not the well-being of the millions of poor Kenyans.”

Etale further alleged that the move was among strategies to sabotage ODM’s efforts to fight for the rights of the people. He added that Azimio la Umoja coalition will still remain firm regardless and that more is in store in their bid to unseat the current Government.

“We know that in the quest for legitimate leadership, there are those who will fall by the wayside, and some will be compromised, but the MOVEMENT remains unstoppable. This is a people’s movement aimed at defending the constitution of the land. History will judge harshly leaders who want to betray Kenyans by accepting handouts to scuttle the activities of the movement,” Etale affirmed.

Many Raila allied leaders have in the past decamped to Kenya Kwanza. However,no instances of the reverse case have been recorded so far.


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