No More Miniskirts, Dreads, Tumbo Cuts In Kenya Methodist University

Kenya Methodist University has updated the dress code that all students at the varsity ought to comply with.

In a memo dated January 5, 2023 and signed by Dr Esther Mbaabu, the Dean of Students at the university, students at the institution have been advised against putting on dreadlocks, wearing untucked shirts, tumbo cuts, bare backs and miniskirts among a wide range of dressing styles that the institutions deems inappropriate.

“All university students are required to comply with the University code of dressing and wear appropriate attire during study, at meal times in the dining hall, and in all university functions,” the memo reads in part.

In the memo, Dr Mbaabu was categorical with what male and female students should wear whenever they are around the school premises.

Male students have been prohibited from putting on dreadlocks, plaited hair, earrings and wearing untucked shirts. They have also been advised against wearing vests that show their bear chest and attending classes with hats and caps.

On the other hand, female students have been prohibited from wearing tumbo cuts, bare back, miniskirts, body tight trousers and see through clothes. They will also be required not to wear skirts which are above the knee line, skirts whose slit is above the knee line and blouses with necklines that run down more than four inches.

Other than Kenya Methodist University, there are other institutions of higher learning in the country that have imposed similar rules on how students dress within their precincts .

For those looking to join Strathmore University, their admission letter comes along with a set of rules that must always be adhered to. Sleeveless blouses or dresses are not allowed and this is clearly stated in the letter.


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