Radio Queen Wilbroda Nyaminde Shares Advice To Gen Z Goliath Bradley Marongo

Radio host Wilbroda Nyaminde has shared valuable advice to internet sensation Bradley Marongo, popularly known as Gen Z Goliath, encouraging him to remain humble amid his sudden rise to fame.

In her stern remarks, without mincing any word, Wilbroda urged Bradley to remain modest, as the nature of internet fame is unpredictable and risk being easily forgotten like the previous celebrities.

“Huyu kijana ako na mbio sana. He’s become too excited because of the attention, but he is far from being a celebrity. Kenyans move on quickly. Before Bradley, there was Kasmuel McOure, who visited every media station, but now he’s fading. Bradley should be careful and not let the fame get to his head.

She encouraged him to reach out to his mother for her blessings rather than making impulsive remarks.

“Bradley said his mother never picked up his calls when he was broke, but that shouldn’t justify ignoring her now. Fame comes and goes.

Let him ask Githeri Man, who even the former president recognized but faded from the spotlight. This is the time to seek his mother’s blessings and not let the fame ruin him. By next month, Bradley will be nowhere,” she concluded.

Bradley rose to fame after being recognized as the tallest man and everyone including major brands wanted him to endorse their products.


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