‘Adhiambo’ Video Vixen Takes Legal Action Against Bahati

Brenda Otieno’s allegations towards musician Bahati has hit new heights after she decided to go the legal way.

Brenda is among the vixens featured in Bahati and Prince Indah’s song dubbed Adhiambo. She recently accused Bahati of not paying her for appearing in the video and threatened to sue him if he does not comply with her demands.

According to Brenda, Bahati was paying the vixens Ksh 10,000, an amount she deemed unfitting to her input in the video, resulting to her turning down the payment.

Brenda Otieno has today, 19 May put up on social media, a demand letter from her lawyer, addressed to Bahati. From the letter, Bahati is required to pay the video vixen 20% of the total income received from the video as compensation. Brenda alternatively demands to disassociate herself from the video by having any images of her from the video to be pulled down.

It has now been one year since the video was released. Bahati now has seven days to take heed to Brenda’s demands, failure to which will compel Brenda’s lawyers to institute legal proceedings against Bahati in a court of law.


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