State Releases Sh244 Million To Media Outlets To Pay Off Outstanding Debts

The administration has promised to assist the media in conducting its business.

According to PS Edward Kisiangani of the State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications, pertinent legislation will also be put in place. He said that money had also been given by the government to pay off outstanding debts.

“We have so far given media outlets a total of Sh244 million out of the outstanding Sh1.2 billion. However, no media outlet has covered that, and the majority still fire employees. According to Kisiangani, this is unfair and shouldn’t be permitted.

According to the PS, the government is dedicated to promoting media viability through the Government Advertising Agency.

“The administration acknowledges the crucial role of free and independent media. According to him, “We will assist the media in its efforts to contribute to issues of national concern through appropriate reporting.

The government, according to Kisiangani, would collaborate closely with the media to advance service delivery and carry out its development program.

“A dynamic media is a sign of a vibrant development program in a country. Since the Constitution supports media freedom, it is not in our mandate to take on anyone “said he.

“To enact regulations that will simplify media operations, we will collaborate closely with all interested parties. The Media Council ought to lead these initiatives.”

In light of recent layoffs and wage reductions at media outlets, he also advised media organizations not to abuse their personnel.

“The freedom to carry out its mission is granted to the media by the Bill of Rights in Chapter 4 of our Constitution. However, this should be done with the utmost caution “a PS stated.


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