Senate Walkout: Azimio Senators Protest Kuria’s Address

On June 21, the Senators belonging to the Azimio la Umoja political faction staged a walkout from the Senate chambers in protest. This action was triggered by the presence of Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria, who was allowed to speak despite facing a censure motion pushed by Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna.

Senator Sifuna had requested Senate Speaker Amason Kingi to prevent CS Kuria from addressing the chamber, citing his involvement in the Edible Oil Scandal and his attacks on the Nation Media Group. Sifuna argued that allowing Kuria to speak would undermine media freedom protected by the constitution and permit inappropriate remarks.

However, Speaker Kingi ruled that CS Kuria could participate since the censure motion had not been officially tabled and he had not seen the proposed motion. Kingi stated that discussing the motion would go against Standing Order 99, as it was being anticipated without proper submission and evaluation.

Following Kingi’s ruling, Senators from the Azimio faction, including Sifuna and Enoch Wambua, walked out of the chamber, expressing their discontent with the Speaker’s decision. This mass exit caused the Senate session to lack quorum, prompting Kingi to temporarily suspend the proceedings in accordance with Standing Order number 41, which prevents the transaction of business when quorum is not met.


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