Young Kenyan reverend Victor Githu has resurfaced on social media after a long duration of silence. On Thursday, Githu revealed that he is currently in the United States for a gospel mission.
In his Facebook page, the young reverend shared a series of photos and videos which showcased his encounter with a group of christians in Minnesota.
In one of the videos, Githu is introduced by a fellow teenager before he took that opportunity to preach. In his sermon, Githu taught about God deciding which time to bless someone adding that He is the one who initiates good things in our lives. The young reverend stated that success takes time and people should be patient.
His fans were pleased with Githu’s reappearance online since he had halted sharing videos and photos of his preachings for a while. Most of them congratulated his progress in the ministry as he has made such a huge milestone in spreading the gospel nationally as well as internationally. The following are some of the reactions:
Carol Thompson said: love what am seeing and hearing.
Myrna Saul welcomed Githu to USA as she proclaimed God’s blessings and protection to the christian group. She also asked Githu to enjoy his stay.
Princess Jolie Mrembo was pleased by the young teenagers preaching the word of God. Mrembo added that more of such is needed.
Grace Muthoni Dalizu Ministries stated that the nations are open for the young reverend.
In the past, the young reverend faced trolls online as some criticized his English and Swahili Language. Some thought he was too young to concentrate on the gospel as he has a long way to go in life. Despite all these, Githu still holds his faith firmly as he continues to spread the gospel.