Wetang’ula Urges Political Parties To Be Strengthened

Moses Wetangula, speaker of the National Assembly, has urged the Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD) to increase its initiatives to support political parties.

Wetangula appreciated CMD’s contribution to the development and sustainability of political parties. Wetangula remarked, “I challenge CMD to engage political parties to recognize that they are not only tools for elections.

When he welcomed CMD Chairperson Priscila Nyokabi and other officials, Wetangula was speaking. The Speaker, who is also a supporter of CMD, stressed that there is still work to be done. We should get together every three months to talk about the progress we’ve made, the difficulties we face, and the best course of action, he continued.

According to Wetang’ula, Kenya has made significant progress in enhancing its democratic environment since the advent of Multiparty in the nation.

The Speaker observed that the country is currently going through tough economic challenges adding that political parties had a critical role in ensuring Kenya’s economic recovery.

“Kenya should borrow a leaf from Malaysia and Vietnam that recovered from serious economic woes occasioned by political instability to be among the top economic giants in the world,” he said.

He added that political parties should now shift their focus to the economic transformation of the country adding that they can effectively undertake this role because of their influence in the society and to citizens.

Vietnam is now the third-largest producer of coffee after Brazil and Colombia, having selected one of the Kenyan species and cultivated it. Nyokabi thanked the Speaker for inviting them and added that such gatherings would greatly aid CMD in carrying out its duties successfully.


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