Two People Detained On Suspicion Of Butchering Donkeys

Two individuals were detained by police on Wednesday in Ndeiya, Kiambu County, for reportedly butchering donkeys.

The suspects were discovered getting ready to deliver the meat to several sites in Nairobi, including the Burma market. The incident was confirmed by Kiambu County Commissioner Joshua Nkanatha, who also stated that they were looking for further individuals who were still at large.

He continued by saying that thousands of donkeys had been killed and their remains had been dispersed over an area that was around five hectares large. Ali Nuno, the County Police Commander, announced that a multi-agency team will be sent out to conduct a crackdown and check butcheries.

Nuno stated, “This is to make sure that the meat being ingested by the public is safe and has undergone a thorough examination by public health inspectors.

Investigators removed two vehicles and more than 30 fresh animal carcasses from the location. The land’s owner claimed that although he had previously reported the alleged illegal slaughtering to the police, nothing had been done about it in recent years. Additionally, he requested that the public health department step in and remove the unlawful slaughterhouse from his property. According to neighbors, donkeys have gradually become an endangered species in the area as a result of an increase in theft of the animals.


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