NGEC Now Wants New Protective Policies Introduced After Kericho Tea Farms Sexual Exploitation On Women Revealed

The National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) has demanded for introduction of new policies in the agricultural sector that will protect women against sexual assaults in their work environments.

This is after the British Broadcasting Commission (BBC) exposed details on sexual exploitation on female employees of Unilever and James Finlay tea plantations.

In a statement, NGEC condemned the harassment of over 70 women working in the aforementioned farms citing that it was against many legal frameworks including the constitution, the employment act, the employments policy act ,the labour relations act and sexual offenses act.

“NGEC calls on all private sector organisations, especially those operating in the agricultural sector ,to put in place appropriate workplace sexual harassment policies. Those policies should ensure prevention, reporting, and investigation of such cases to create safe and dignified work environment for women.”

The body also called for proper investigations to be done and perpetrators pinned down.

“We strongly condemn this heinous acts and call for swift legal actions to be taken against the perpetrators. We urge the government to ensure that all those responsible are held accountable and justice is served.” Read the statement partly.

The mandate of the NGEC is to promote and ensure gender equality, principles of equality and non-discrimination for all persons in Kenya as provided for in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 with a focus on women, persons with disability, children, youth, older members of society, minority and marginalized groups. 


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