Renown Comedian and content creator, Jacky Vike, popularly known by her stage name Awinja, has married her fellow comedian, Cyprian Osoro in a beautiful traditional wedding ceremony. However, the ceremony has left netizens wondering if it was real or it was just a skit.
Before the wedding, the former Papa Shirandula actress had shared a post of a wedding banner in her Instagram account noting that she was marrying Osoro. “Are you Invited? Also tunaomba Mtupee List ya BRIDESMAIDS Tafadhali 😊,” the comedian captioned the post.
The comedian’s fans reacted to the post as most of them thought it was a joke. These are some of the reactions:
Comedian Eddie Butita asked whether the wedding venue has a helipad.
Milly Wa Jesus said she would gate crush in the wedding with a helicopter.
Obedekevin hilariously noted that people may think it’s comedy only to find that it’s real.
Media personality Muthoni Wa Mukiri playfully stated ” I want but sina kamisi😩. Najua kamisi ndio dress code.😃”
Later on, photos and videos of the two comedians marrying have surfaced on social media. Most of the Kenyans have congratulated the new couple in town as some indicate that it might just be a skit. This is because Awinja’s celebrity friends were not invited. In addition, the video and photos were only shared by third party since neither of the comedians shared on their social media handles.
The wedding photos showcased the two comedians dressed elegantly in matching kitenges.
Awinja and Osoro joins the list of celebrities who have tied the knots this month. Akothee started the flow as Zari and Kamene Goro followed.