Kindiki Examines The List Of Places Where Occupants Should Leave

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has reconsidered the order he made on Sunday asking people to leave specific places so that security operations may take place.

The CS listed a number of localities in the evaluation as places where residents must leave so that continuing security operations can flush out robbers.

Kindiki announced that the orders now included the Ng’elecha Hills and Gorges, Ramacha and Losokoni Caves, Laramoru Gorges, Karau Hills, Noosidan Escarpment, Rugus Caves, and the Amaya Gorges at the intersection of Baringo, Laikipia, and Samburu Counties. According to his prior instructions, the public should leave the affected locations within 24 hours starting on Monday at 7:30 p.m.

After Tuesday, March 14, 2030, at 1930 hours, “any member of the public caught in the spaces indicated in this paragraph shall be considered as a suspect of armed banditry, as a suspect of aiding and abetting banditry, or as an accessory after the fact,” he warned. While this was happening, Kindiki left off some places from the list he published on Sunday, so they are no longer under the order.

The territories in Turkana and West Pokot Counties known as Kamebok, Nakwamoru, Lobokat, Lokoron, the Turkwell Escarpment, and Ombollion are hereby exempt from the orders, according to a statement released by Kindiki on Monday. Subject to the security measures he published in the Sunday Gazette, he continued, members of the public are instructed to go about their normal business.


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