A Kenyan, called Felix Kibet, has accused Elon Musk’s social media platform ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) for violating the Constitution of Kenya and injecting public immorality by allowing the publication of content that promotes hate speech, incitement to violence, pornography, and invasion of privacy. Kibet, in his petition to court, he argues that uncensored contents published on ‘X’ space violates the Constitution.
Certifying the case, The High Court judge Bahati Mwamuye has treated the car urgent, scheduling its hearing for January 17. Felix Kibet also accuses several government bodies, including the Attorney-General and Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK), of failing to regulate the platform’s activities effectively.
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In his petition, Kibet wants the court to issue multiple orders that would, according to him, sweep off moral decay by restricting access to pornographic content and hate speech by Kenyans on the platform.Kibet, therefore, compels for the deletion of offending publications, and suspending accounts using unofficial names or aliases.
Kibet specifically criticizes X’s “Spaces” feature for allowing unregulated live-streamed conversations and argues that the platform’s permissive policies regarding user identity and content have led to violations of Kenyans’ privacy and constitutional rights, all while the company pursues profits at the expense of public welfare.