Ruto’s Defeat Certain Unless He Abandons House Levy – Kabando

Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando has restated his belief that the mandatory housing levy poses a significant threat to President William Ruto’s leadership. Kabando warned that if Ruto fails to abandon the proposal and it is passed by MPs in Parliament, it will undoubtedly lead to Ruto’s early retirement.

Taking to Twitter on Saturday, Kabando expressed his concerns, stating, “A sure upcoming defeat for Ruto is the fall of the housing levy scam. If Ruto doesn’t drop it or if stooge MPs pass it, courts will strike it out.” The proposed Housing Fund has been met with skepticism by many Kenyans, who question its viability.

Kabando further asserted that if the proposal receives legal backing in Parliament, Kenyans are likely to unite in opposition. He mentioned the possibility of a “#TaxSpring” movement that would retire Ruto to his rural home in Sugoi, Uasin Gishu County.

The Finance Bill 2023 includes amendments suggesting a mandatory monthly contribution of three percent from salaried employees towards the affordable housing project, with employers making a similar contribution. This proposal has faced strong criticism from various political leaders, union representatives, and the public at large.

Kabando highlighted the growing anger among the public, attributing it to the perceived insensitivity or incompetence of the Kenya Kwanza administration. He also noted that the housing levy lacks significant support in Parliament, with expert stakeholders expressing their opposition during prescribed public hearings.

Despite attempts by Housing PS Charles Hinga to clarify the proposal and address public concerns, the backlash against the housing levy continues to intensify among Kenyans.


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