Akothee to Men: Zero Shillings But Big Value in Your Woman’s Life

If you’re a woman whose esteem is declining in every tickling of a second, Akothee has a message for you. And if you’re a man who thinks women only need monetary support to revive their lost esteem, you’ve got your portion in Akothee’s piece of writing too.

Sharing a long and well written piece on her official Facebook page, the singer urged men to plant even as little efforts as mustard seeds in helping their women to acquire comfort from their troubles.

According to her, women depict men as statutes of protection and refuge and that in a supportive man, a woman finds the energy to keep battling troubles.

We see men as our shield and protectors,” she noted.

However, the dubbed president of single mothers put into bold that the kind of support men can offer to their women is not necessarily monetary, but it can come out in various forms.

As far as she is concerned, money alone does not show your value to a woman.

What matters to a woman who is traveling through twists and turns, according to her, is knowing that you’re a shoulder for her to lean and rely on towards the journey of regaining her feet.

Just knowing that someone is there for them is all they need,” she added.

Photo: Akothee’s Facebook post

This can be in terms of money, words of encouragements and motivations and etcetera so long as it enables the woman find back the strength to keep fighting out of the bedrocks of hell.

You can be a man with Zero shillings with a big value in your woman’s life…You can be a man with a big pocket with Zero values in your woman’s life.” She added.

With the last drops of inks on her paper, she asked her female followers to keep at their subconscious mind that despite the saying that women are vulnerable, they’re nolonger weak.

If you are a woman on this page. Type I am only vulnerable but I am not weak.” Read in her last statement.


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