Mwangaza Wins As Senate Committee Rejects Impeachment

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has escaped impeachment after the Senate rejected all of the MCAs’ charges against her.

On Friday, Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale, who served as chairman of the special committee that investigated the charges, stated that none of the six charges and 62 grounds leveled against her were proven.

“All the 11 members agreed and recommended to this house that all the charges were not proved or substantiated,” Khalwale said.

This implies that Kawira will continue with her duties as governor. On December 14, 2022, Mwangaza was impeached after 68 MCAs voted in favor of a motion sponsored by Abogeta MCA Denis Kiogora. She was charged with nepotism, illegal appointments, and wrongful termination of constitutional and statutory functions of county organs. She denies all of the accusations.

Along with other roadside appointments of county employees, Mwangaza was also charged with selecting her spouse Murega Baicu as the Hustlers Ambassador and Youth Patron.


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