MP Osoro Denies Involvement as Violence Engulfs Bursary Event

In a shocking turn of events, chaos erupted during a bursary distribution event organized by Governor Simba Arati on Monday, January 8, 2024, at Nyakembeni market in South Mugirango. The meeting, intended to provide bursary forms to residents, quickly descended into pandemonium as unidentified individuals disrupted the gathering, leading to gunshots and widespread panic.

A video circulating on social media captured the dramatic scenes as the unknown assailants stormed the event, prompting Governor Arati, parents, and students to flee for safety. The disturbance escalated, resulting in a confrontation between individuals believed to be supporters of Arati and those aligned with the area’s Member of Parliament (MP), Silvanus Osoro. Security forces eventually intervened, deploying tear gas canisters to disperse the agitated crowd.

Multiple injuries were reported, and significant property damage occurred, including the destruction of vehicles. As the situation unfolded, the South Mugirango MP found himself at the center of blame, with Governor Arati accusing Osoro and security personnel of orchestrating the violence. The governor alleged that gunshots fired during the chaos were aimed at him, adding urgency to the need for an investigation by the Ministry of Interior and National Administration.

Governor Arati, addressing the media after the incident, expressed concern about the apparent targeting during the violence. “I am told a number of those gunshots, including one that hit one of the guys on the left ear, were aimed at me,” he claimed, underscoring the severity of the situation.

Chaos during the event

In a swift response, MP Silvanus Osoro refuted the accusations, dismissing the entire incident as a political ploy by Governor Arati to garner sympathy. Osoro urged for political tolerance, emphasizing the need to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, especially considering the distance to the next election campaigns.

“It’s an unfortunate scene. We need to be politically tolerant and understand that campaigns are very far,” Osoro stated, downplaying any involvement in the violence.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the local police are yet to issue an official statement on the incident, leaving residents and concerned parties awaiting clarification on the events that transpired.

The recent clash reignites a longstanding political rivalry between Governor Arati and MP Osoro, dating back to the heated 2022 election campaigns. The leaders, who were on opposing sides supporting different presidential candidates, have a history of confrontations. Notably, a fistfight erupted between the two during the burial of the then Kisii Deputy Governor Joash Maangi’s father in February 2021, attended by prominent political figures, including President William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga.

The incident at Nyakembeni market raises questions about the state of political stability in the region, and as investigations unfold, residents await accountability and a resolution to the tensions that have marred South Mugirango.


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