Confirmed Elected County Speakers Of The Third Assemblies

Members of County Assemblies (MCAs) held their first sittings on Tuesday and in some counties today on Wednesday September 21st to elect their Assembly speakers countrywide.

The position was taken by interested former Members of Parliament, women and some incumbent who retained the post.

Some of the confirmed elected persons include;-

In Trans-Nzoia County, seven contestants had filed for nomination, former finance secretary, Andrew Wanyonyi won with 20 votes becoming the County Assembly Speaker with former Cherangany Member of Parliament Wesley Korir coming second with 13votes.

George Okode in Siaya County retained his seat for the third time after garnering 38 votes against his competitor Evans Orwenjo who got only 2 votes. Okode was first elected as the speaker of Siaya County in 2013.

In Kisumu County, the election was marred with violence and threats from some MCAs who wanted to boycott after four nominated MCAs were sworn in despite a court order filed by ODM. In the first round of election ODM Elisha Jack Oraro won by 24 votes defeating his competitor at close 23votes. The election was called foor a second round and despite the candidates garnering two-thirds of the votes cast, Elisha Oraro was announced as the third Speaker of Kisumu County Assembly.

The former MP for Turkana North Christopher Nakulee was elected Speaker of Turkana County unopposed. This win came after five other nominees were disqualified by County Assembly Clerk Linus Lokawa with claims that they are still holding public offices.

Former Ganze Mp Teddy Mwambire was elected as the speaker of the County Assembly of Kilifi after garnering 37 out of 51 votes.

For Kericho County Assembly, former finance executive Dr Patrick Mutai has been sworn in as the Speaker garnering 31 votes against Dominic Rono who garnered 16 votes and was seeking re-election as a Speaker for a second term.

Other Speakers include;-

Abdille Yussuf- Speaker of Wajir county

Ann Mwikali – Speaker of Machakos County Assembly

 Enock Okero-  Speaker of Nyamira County Assembly 

Wisdom Kazungu Mwamburi – Speaker Taita Taveta County Assembly

Mohamed Roba-  Isiolo County Assembly

Joel Karuri – Speaker Nakuru County Assembly

Emmanuel Situma -Speaker of Bungoma County Assembly

Johnson Mukuha – Speaker Murang’a County Assembly

Cosmas Korir- Bomet County Assembly Speaker

Edin Dida -Speaker of Marsabit County Assembly

Abdi Idle Gure-  Speaker of  Garissa County Assembly

Kevin Katisya -Speaker  Kitui county Assembly


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