NEPAD/APRM To Launch Groundbreaking Kenya National Governance Report

NEPAD/APRM Secretariat Celebrates Kenya For Pioneering First Ever African County Peer Review Mechanism

New Partnership for Africa’s Development – Africa Peer Review Mechanism (NEPAD/APRM) is set to launch the National Governance Report (NGR) for Kenya today Friday, 29th September, 2023. This is in line with its mandate to coordinate the AU programmes and projects through the Ministries, Counties, Departments, Agencies (MCDAs), Development Partners, and other stakeholders.

This NGR is the first of its kind to be conducted in Kenya coming a little over a decade since the promulgation of the constitution of Kenya in August 2010 which led to the adoption of County Governments as a second arm of government towered by the National Government.

“This initiative is a first in the African continent where sub-national governments will peer review each other with the objective of enhancing service delivery performance in the counties” reads a part of the official press release ahead of this momentous occasion

During the launch event at Kenya School of Monetary Studies (KSMS) today, NEPAD/APRM is expected to unveil nine individuals selected to form the “Panel of Eminent Persons”, an APRM panel constituted by Africans who have distinguished themselves in careers that are relevant to the work of APRM.

Earlier this morning at the NGR Launch

As members of the panel, those chosen will work as volunteers and shall be entrusted with the role of presiding over the County Peer Review Mechanism (CPRM), having met fundamental requirements for the panel which include high moral stature and commitment to the ideals of Pan-Africanism, attributes which will guide them in executing their primary mandate which is “to lend integrity, objectivity and credibility to the reviews and ensure that they remain people-centred and responsive to the needs of the citizens.”

This momentous event in Africa’s line-up of strategic developments is led by the National Treasury and Economic Planning, in the company of various representatives from APRM Continental Secretariat including Dr. Samori A. Okwiya, PhD. – Chief Executive Officer – NEPAD/APRM Kenya Secretariat, as well as representatives from Ministries Departments, Agencies, Counties and Non-State Actors.

More updates for you as events unravel.


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