Paperless Plant Exports Adopted In Kenya And The Netherlands

A new agreement will allow Kenya and the Netherlands to electronically approve plant and plant product exports. Both the Netherlands Food and Consumer Safety Authority and the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service electronic system (KEPHIS) signed the contract.

An assurance that the requirements in the plant consignments are met is provided by the electronic phytosanitary certificate. Therefore, the certificate will reduce fraud and waste, as well as save time and money.

As information on a shipment is sent in real time to the exporting country by Kenyan inspectors, the EPhyto is also updated in real time. Additionally, the Ephyto can interact with other platforms, like KenTrade. The two regulating agencies strive towards paperless certifications. More than 70 nations, including EU member states, have embraced the idea, which is widely recognized.

According to Kellow Harsama, the principal secretary for agriculture in charge of crop development at the State Department, digitalization will make investments and innovation in Kenya and the Netherlands more appealing.

According to him, the procedure increases a company’s productivity, efficiency, and resource management; decreases operating expenses; fosters greater transparency and improved communication; and enhances the customer experience.

“Although we are pleased with this accomplishment, we understand that innovation is a dynamic process. In order to provide our stakeholders with efficient and cost-effective service, we thus continue to look into new potential for innovation, according to KEPHIS Managing Director Theophilus Mutui.

Phytosanitary certifications are currently required for all plant exports, which presents difficulties such as paperwork not arriving with consignments, typographical errors, supplementary declarations missing, a phytosanitary certificate’s absence, and incomplete phytosanitary certificates.

According to Mutui, the system has streamlined the procedures for phytosanitary (plant health) regulation, boosted efficiency, enhanced user experience, and reduced operational expenses. While inspections would be conducted as usual, phytosanitary certifications will be generated digitally, according to the Netherlands, eliminating the need for middlemen.


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